
Friday, April 5, 2024

Bruce Hogle Touched us all...

 I'm not a religious person though I believe there is a reason we all somehow found our way on to this earth.  

I also believe that there is a distinct reason for all of us to be here.  

Yes some get it - some don't - and there are various reasons, both good and bad, for where each of us end up.

This past week we lost an 'over achiever' on earth and I say that with the deepest respect as we say goodbye to Bruce Hogle in Edmonton. (Sadly wife Gail just 3 weeks earlier)

Bruce filled his life 'big time' helping other people and I can safely say I've never seen a man with a smile on his face each and every time we connected, be it in the hallways at CFRN Television, at the Edmonton Broadcasters Club, or attending 'some' meeting connected to the community - and for about 30 years in my world.

I was fortunate to have called Bruce a 'friend' very early in my time in media.  

He knew my Dad, which was a huge bonus.

After losing my Dad in 1981, at a very young age, Bruce literally stepped in to my world and unknowingly or not became a huge influence on me.

As we worked across the hallways he was often in my office often, or we'd bump in to each other in the cafeteria.

If I needed him...he was there...and by that I want to explain something that people may not know.

Management is hard...very hard...but the good ones make it look easy.  The pressure is immense running somebody else's business...often you were the conveyance to the staff - inspiring them, where possible, but also having to do things that were demanded by ownership that you may not entirely laying people off...people you may have known for a very long time - you know their spouses - their kids - you may have helped them through a dilemma or you may have had to call them in to give them 'hell' for something they've done (or not done) that affected the business,

On 'those days' mentorship is everything and again Bruce was 'there' for me.

He was so much like my Father...never saying "well here's the way I'd do it...." but more of a "well if you do Door #1 - Door #2 - or Door #3 here's what the result 'may' be..." so...over to you.

Just having the other guys ears was enough to help you take a big breath - thank him/her - and move on to the difficult task ahead.

In Community work nobody - and I will repeat - N O B O D Y did more for the City of Edmonton than Bruce Hogle did...through many many different avenues.

A few I can remember include when each and every media outlet was solo (before consolidation) so each and every property in radio, tv, or radio had a local manager of (most often) born and raised IN Edmonton so we 'got it.'

The City was going through a terrible time (when hasn't it?) and Bruce organized a meeting somewhere in the downtown core and manager was there. 

At the meeting he plunked the gavel down and very thoroughly told us that we need to get to our various properties and tell our people to STOP doing so much negative news reporting and to start looking for those positive things that make Edmonton great.

No it wasn't manipulating the news.   

No he wasn't wrong because the trend seemed to be to look for bad things to report about - or talk about on air - and that we'd stopped looking for these gems that made Edmonton great.

Point taken.  Big time.

The one beautiful thing I noted in the wonderful Cam Tait article was the 'personal' touch. 

Bruce never started with business in our chats.  Bruce never ended our chats with business either,

It was about our families.  

He was so proud of Bill, Steve, and Randy.  And I could listen to him talk for hours about their various escapades.   I've only met Bill once or twice - I adore Steve - and I'm still in awe of Randy and what he has accomplished in life.  

You don't have the success that the Hogle family has without having dynamic parents sharing the responsibilities of raising the kids, and also 'bringing home the bread' to make sure they live rich and fruitful lives.

As I said in my opening statement I'm not a religious person - but having Gail and Bruce leave the earth within 3 weeks of each other surely sends a message to us.

I don't think I need to explain further...other than they both were loved, respected, and adored!

Bless you Hogle folks for sharing two of the kindest people on the face of the earth with the rest of us.


Here is my eulogy from the Bruce and Gail funeral...short version from above.

My name is Marty Forbes…my real name is Martin Forbes but only my Dad and Mom called me that when I was in trouble.  


A precious few people call me Mart - and I’m deeply honoured when they do.  


Bruce Hogle called me Mart. 


I’ve known Bruce and Gail for around thirty years...Steve for almost the same


We met as I ran the radio stations across from CFRN…so bumping into Bruce was a common occasion…but even more so he was like a  third father to me.  


He would have held second designation if it wasn’t for my stepfather.  


Because both Bruce and Dad were highly successful in broadcasting my relationship with Bruce was truly enhanced.  


We ‘connected.’  


In fact Bruce often used the same system that my Dad used with me.  


Neither would solve my problems but… they would often point out a few possible solutions from their sage experience.  


Kinda like...Door #1...Door #2 or Door #3 so that I had a different view from about 30,000 feet.  


I believe that great managers make the gig look easy but I can assure you upper management often isn’t.  


On those horrible days when you are the messenger that has to lay somebody off, 

or do something you disagree with; to show compassion…and help those people cope...somehow...

Bruce often had ‘the right words.’  


He was my go to guy….but before we ever got to the tough part of the chat there was always the mandatory family update….


Mart…how’s Kim and the Girls.  Not just once in awhile...every...single...time!


With many people that’s a throw away line and they don’t even really listen or respond.  


Not Bruce…when my daughter was struggling with Graves Disease Bruce was there for me listening, responding, and showing his sincere care. 




Then I’d hear about the Hogle family and how proud of each of you that he was…what Gail was up to, and if you know each or any Hogle family member well you’ll know how lovingly similar they are in how they treat other people.  


Having Gail and Bruce as parents set an amazing standard for Bill, Randy and Steve and they carry that name proudly and I’m sure have passed it down to their children and will to their grandchildren. 


And yes behind every good man is a powerful woman...and mother...and at social functions Gail would be right beside Bruce…charming everybody that wandered by to say hello. 


They've been married for almost as long as I’ve been on this earth…and seeing them together was like when I used to see the late great Senator Tommy Banks with his wife Ida;  it was like watching two teenagers in love…the power couple of media and the community flirting. 


Bruce was given many prestigious awards...high profile designations...but behind our wall he used to often wonder what all the fuss was...cuz it was nice but not something he ever sought out.


From what I understand too is that Bruce shined at the back end of his time here as The unofficial Mayor of Canterbury…walking around every day talking to all the other residents….that was so Bruce.  


Brighten up somebody else’s day was his mandate.  And with Gail, again, nearby.


I’ve left his business success to this point in my chat because that’s how Bruce operated.  


People first.  Business second.  


Watching him wander the station hallways…hi to the ladies in the cafeteria….stopping to talk to virtually everybody who made eye contact…calling each and every one of them ‘by name’…well it’s a skill and a talent that touched everybody.  


If it was somebody new he'd often lean over and say 'Mart...who's that and what do they do here?' 


Next time he'd see them...yup...he’d remembered their name and made them feel like a million dollars simply for recognizing them.  


Bruce knew no status. He’d bring the rich and powerful down to earth and he’d pull the rest of us up simply by listening to him.    


The respect he had was and IS immeasurable.  


Where I truly saw that in force was in the mid 90’s.  


The city was in a big funk…and Bruce called each and every Manager of media to a special meeting downtown one day.  


Back then all media was managed or owned was before consolidation so every property was separate, and all decisions were handled in town…


There were about 25 or so of us in the room and Bruce was calling us to task…pointing out that we allowed too many of our people…or newscasts…that our columns too were overly negative or critical…and that it was up to us to all help turn this around…to talk about how great a city and province we live in.  


No it wasn’t ‘controlling the media’ but it was simply common sense that Edmontonians listened to us…watched us…and read our columns and that it was our civic duty to help make this city tick and move it forward.


There was almost dead silence as we all looked at each other and thought…he’s right….and we took his message back to our operations to put into force.  


Bruce is in the Canadian Broadcast Association Hall of Fame…among the giants of the industry....recognized by his peers for an amazing contribution to our industry.  


His TV Editorials were amongst the first in the country and people 'grew up' watching and listening to Bruce digging into the depths of how our city was a powerful gig. Dad gave me several tips as an 18 year old kid getting into the broadcast business....and the top piece of advice was "hang around successful people.'   


Nobody was more successful for all the reasons I've just mentioned and Bruce is at the top of that list for which I am eternally grateful. 


Both Gail and Bruce Hogle have Enriched my life and it will never ever be forgotten. 


Rest in peace my friends...






Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Let's retire the "live for today" cliché and just do it!

 I love to write.  I find it therapeutic.  

Today I need that therapy.

Maybe it's because this week would have been my Mom's birthday that I am getting a little 'pensive' - because I really miss her.

When she was on her death bed a few years back the three brothers would fly in to Toronto, alternately, to talk to her and try to keep her spirits up.

I had 'great' chats with her...asking her about her life before my Dad; what she loved most about her time on earth; and about her extended family that I didn't know much about.

On the last visit she was often saying "I want to die" and it really hit me hard.  I asked her to stop saying it because we all loved her, and although we knew it was close, that she still had time to enjoy what time she had left with us.

Very eloquently she gave me a speech I will never ever forget.

"Marty I'm in pain.  Daily pain.  Just trying to get up in the morning...just trying to eat something with a rapidly closing throat.  I've buried both of my sister, my brother, all my Uncles and Aunts and almost every good friend of mine.

I live in this 'home" (if you can call it that) and you make friends with somebody only to find out that they had passed away at night and there's an empty chair at our '5 o'clock wine time' seating.

You guys are all retired now and don't come to town (3 or 4 times a year) like you used to when there were meetings or conventions and you're several Provinces away and I can't get out to see you any more."

I got it...big time...and I started to apply my thinking to it with the many, many friends I've lost over the past decade and a few real good ones that died well before their time with aids, cancer, and even more tragically suicide when they never asked for help nor did I recognize that they needed it.

Dad's got a building here in Edmonton - the Jerry Forbes Centre for Community Spirit - home for Santas Anonymous that he started here in 1955 - and a few streets named after him a block away from a pal I see almost weekly.  

Each Christmas 630 CHED graciously plays his 'A Creature was Stirring' piece, for the past 40 or so years, that salutes the volunteers that make that program so incredibly successful.

J'Lyn Nye used to interview me a few days before the campaign and I'd dread the question "what does it feel like to hear that piece" and I'd obviously speak with pride about the honour I felt and how proud I was to be a 'Forbes|" - but then I'd get in the car, it would be on the radio, and even 42 years after he left us it would 'draw tears' cuz that wasn't Jerry Forbes I was listening was 'my Dad!'

The one benefit of being in radio is you meet lots of people...lots and lots and most of those people bring me what I call a 'touch point' - a moment in time that I will remember forever about that person.

Because of my age (72) and because of that fact I'm losing those friends and 'touch points' almost weekly, it hits hard and often these days.  

Most of them were younger than me...spouses; people I worked with; people I did charity projects with; people I respected and was proud to be a part of their lives too.

Facebook has a special feature to put those friends pages 'on hold' when you pass away so that they don't show up in your daily feed and you can still dial them up to look at their pictures and remember them when they cross your mind.  

Sadly if you haven't designated somebody to do that for you (usually a family member) they WILL continue to scroll by you and their birthdays will pop up and 'again' you go through the grieving process thinking how wonderful it would be if they were still here.

Over the past few weeks/months alone a few really good friends lost their spouses - both with marriages of over 30 years.  They'd show up for our staff parties - I got to know their kids - and you can see the pain they are going through when they post something about their loss - and/or you know what's coming when a birthday shows up or Fathers/Mothers Day, Christmas etc.

I also recently just lost a friend I've known 'since birth!'

My Dad passed away at age 58 in 1981.  On the day of his funeral I pledged to 'retire' at age 58 and although I opened up my company when I 'semi retired' in 2008 I controlled the companies and people I worked with to focus on either paying it forward (charity work) or on projects where I knew our friendship wouldn't be compromised if we got in to a disagreement.

To loop back to Mom and my conversation...During the last conversation I mentioned she ended it with "I'm lonely."

Losing people who have been part of my seven decades really makes me feel the same.  

I remember trips together; accomplishments; laughs; stupidity; birth of my/their children; concerts we went to; places we've been to; and fondly remember my time spent with them over the years.

Often on my social media feeds somebody's name will pop up that I haven't spoken to in a long time and I'll fire off a brief note to them thanking them for their friendship and often remembering one of those 'touch points.' 

My final big 'touch point' happened this year with the snowmobile accident and it really hit home when the Doctor told me how fortunate I was not to have killed myself.

I sold the snowmobile right away, then the motorcycle this summer and although I 'loved' both of those units I simply couldn't put my wife and kids through anything like that again...'ever' it was the right decision to sell them.

I also have been very fortunate in my life and career to be able to do the #1 thing I love the most and that is 'travel' and I'm trying to narrow my 'real' bucket list down big time while I'm still here breathing this fire fractured air that we've had all summer here in Edmonton.

My love for Europe is immense.  I still 'learn' about the countries I go to.  I 'love' to chat with people over there in 'fractured' English - and I treasure seeing any and all places I've visited when they pop up on tv shows or movies.

I've been so fortunate to have visited 35 countries - so far - and I still have more to see.

For years I almost 'apologized' to people because of that good fortune.

They'd say "it must be nice..." and I'd somehow deflect that comment by trying to make it look like I wasn't simply showing off.

I don't do that anymore.  At my age my response is now "you're damn right...why don't you go travel?'

So today, just to wrap up, and use Mom's last thoughts...I'm lonely.

Yes I'm surrounded by an amazing family that makes me so proud - and yes I have 'damn great' friends that aren't afraid to knock me down a peg or two if I get on a high horse about something|" - and I'm proud to hop on airplanes with these people and see as much of this big wide glorious world as I possibly can before I say goodbye to you all.

My loneliness is only because I really miss the people who I have lost in my world, especially over the past decade.  It's a profound sadness.

Each and every one of those people, somehow, made my touch points so incredibly rewarding and damn I wish they were all here today to continue our conversations in an extremely complex world. the title of this blog...don't just say Live for Today to somebody anymore because that is almost instantly forgotten until the next time you lose somebody who meant something to you.

Live for today?  

Live for tomorrow!  And the day after that...and...and...and...

And remind me to put in my will a special note to the funeral home to "please chip the grin off my face because I've had an incredible life and life doesn't owe me a darned thing."

Thanks for reading this and yes...THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND! 

There...I feel better now!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Post Covid Travel

Well, we are back - thirty fine folks enjoyed a wonderful 14 day Azorcan tour of Italy, Austria, Hungary and Germany over the past few weeks - with memories that will last forever.

Obviously after 2 1/2 years 'much' has changed in the world of travel so here are a few thoughts from our trip overseas.

First off, airlines and airports have not 'fully' ramped up so the only hassles we experienced were in dealing with staff shortages, especially at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport.

It's a 'big' airport and often you are at one end of the structure with a good long walk to get to your gate to transfer to wherever you are going to in Europe. 

Don't forget that you have to clear customs there and factor that time in to your walk to get to your next plane.   The line we experienced was long, to say the least, but it moved along very quickly.

One good thing they do is try to find out who has a tight connection, and they move you to the front of the line OR to a booth where you can scoot through relatively quickly.   

There's a staff member moving around the area so make sure they know you need some assistance.

They'll ask for your flight details to confirm your time - then off you go.

However the airline we used was short staff,  AND the ground crew is also not fully manned, which had us moving to three different gates in about twenty minutes. 

At our third and final gate there was only one employee and she was rather overwhelmed - and the automated check in machine was acting up so she had to do a quick shuffle to get everybody through efficiently.

After we were cleared it was on to a 'shuttle' to get to the airplane waiting on the tarmac - but - they weren't ready to go and we had to stay in a very packed bus, at 30c, and watched as they loaded on food/beverage for our flight.  Delay - about 30 minutes.

On the return flight, we only had one hour to get from one end of the airport to the other - clear customs - and race to the gate.  Once boarded the Captain came on to apologize that the ground crew was busy loading/unloading another plane and we'd be delayed another hour or so to get on our way.  In reality it was closer to an hour and a half.   

Weather in the Atlantic (hurricane) forced us to go further north to avoid weather problems so the planned flight was 8 hours and 45 minutes ended up being around a 10.5 hour jaunt.

You're wise to use something like the TripCase app as it is updated continuously with any details that change.  As well 'listen' carefully because announcements are also being made for the big shuffle.

Another big change, from past Euro trips, is that cell phone usage is now almost imperative.  For the most part I always just use wifi BUT not only is it unreliable in several hotels/cities we were in but the new 'double' sign on process requires that you get a 'code' sent to your phone - and if you don't have cell service you're not going to get that code.

I had trouble signing on to my Canadian bank and had to turn my phone on for about ten seconds (at a cost of a full day from Bell) to get a new 'push notice' that allowed me to do my banking overseas.

Throughout Europe wifi can be either really good or horribly bad.  At our first hotel it was almost impossible to use and speeds were extremely low.  As the trip progressed wifi was better at our various hotel stops.

So - buy a cell package - and it's not as simple as it was before either.  I actually went in to a Bell store to book it and they advised me that they couldn't help me and I'd have to go 'on line.'  I was hoping to find an easy link to sign up for service for the two week trip to find out that they only sell 30 day packages - and that that option wasn't even listed on their app.

In Europe many restaurants and services now use QR codes for menu's, tickets, etc.  If you're at that place, with no wifi, you're hooped.

One thing you'll likely notice is the lack of American chains.  Several shut down over the past few years and it played in to the 'shop local' theme that most of the world is adhering too.  

There were very few McDonalds and Burger Kings - fewer Starbucks - and most of the KFC's are gone, as well as Subway and Pizza Huts.  No loss in my mind. The Mcdonalds over there has a Cafe off to the side where fresh baking was available...much different from over here.

Why go to these beautiful unique cities that feature incredible food and dine on products that you constantly use over here?  Try something'll be glad you did!  

In the past UBER was a big help to me - especially in countries with little English prevalent - as you dial in your destination, hit the request for service, and a driver comes to your pickup point.  If they don't speak English everything is handled via the app - which is great - and no cash is required as it is debited from your account automatically.

Several places I tried to access the service showed that UBER wasn't available in that city.  The good part is, however, that in some cities it is now possible to hail a CAB with the UBER app. Lots of price point checks.

Also with your cell, MAPS is a huge asset for you to get around town.  Again - if you don't have wifi you're going to have a problem.

In some downtown cores there is now blanket wifi - especially in the tourist areas - so you can access your cell apps. 

For the most part a quick 'ask' around you yields somebody who can help you.  We had a great waitress dial in our hotel while we were seemingly lost - and she handed over her phone so that we could see how to get to it by 'walking' and bingo we were on our way.

Another big thing that has changed is TAP.  Many places have it, but on a few occasions it didn't work back to my bank in Canada.  A few times we had servers who couldn't speak English so you try to ask to use the 'swipe' (some worked - some didn't) and I was forced to use cash for the transaction.

In other problem.  So...carry cash, a debit card, and a credit card so that you're covered.

Another tip for you...if you're going to visit any attraction, and you're not on a group tour where you have purchased tickets, you'd be wise to book ON LINE for that visit.  As travel is getting back in to full swing you're likely to find large crowds to deal with and some places are still restricting numbers of people allowed in to the buildings so you could be left out of the attraction and miss seeing some of the great places in the world.

Another good app to have is the 'translate' app - and there are several.  Some are very good and can be utilized via text, voice, and even using your picture/scan feature to translate from English to whatever language you require.

Rick Steeve's Europe app is also very good and he hosts walking tours around cities.  Simply start where the app directs you and crank up your headphones for a description of the walk around town.

Other app's that I use - Spotify for podcasts and music - and various video streaming services - also require wifi (or pre download) so that you can stay entertained on the airplane or on long bus rides around the country.  And the currency app...know what you are paying.

Another big change since the covid shutdown is the use of EBikes - they can be a godsend on hilly roads - and can help extend your enjoyment by covering a fair amount of ground.  There are guided EBike tours available now too.

In many cities the Lime EScooters are also available.  Rome was 'covered' with these things, and many business's aren't too pleased about it as they are often just dropped in the middle of the sidewalk in front of their shops.  Download the Lime app here before you go and a quick scan has you scooting around your destination.  (Some areas are now restricted so be cognizant of where you can/can't ride) 

In Austria there are a good amount of bikes/scooters, yet in Budapest I saw few - if any - available.

Google search a city before you go to see what is available. 

ATM's are available everywhere, but all are different, and may take a few minutes to learn how to flip to English so that you can utilize their machines.

If you're travelling in a group consider building a WhatsApp list so that you can keep in touch with other folks in your group.  This comes in handy if you're wandering around different parts of the city and need some assistance.

WhatsApp is also good for sharing your photo's on the trip.  As well you might think about a group Instagram setup so that your travelling friends can all contribute to the Insta with their pictures.  Just multiplies the fun when people back home are following along with you.

If you're driving around Europe you'll be pleased to see how they operate gas stations in rural areas.  Very often you'll find full bakeries and food services in the stations featuring a wide array of really good food.

Remember too that many restrooms over there that require payment.  Costs vary but usually around 50c or 1 Euro.  Always carry extra change for these pit stops.  

On public transit make sure you buy your ticket AND get it stamped when you board the bus/train.  There were stories of tourists getting big fines for not doing so.  Lack of understanding is no excuse.

As well there are several 'no sitting' restrictions too - including stairs - and guards will quickly scoot you off their protected areas. 

Also, remember that each country has different covid restrictions and, although most everything is now fully open and operational, some public transit requires full masking and SOME require N95 masks exclusively to use their service.

While we were away the ArriveCan app requirement was dropped so that problem has now gone away.  

On the airplane, and around Europe, there are still people who are wearing masks but I'd say less than 5% seems realistic. Personal choice is just that!  

Finally, double check your Passport and Nexus dates.  If your expiry date is within six months you could face problems. may have forgotten to renew your passes and it's taking a good while to get them replaced or updated.  

It was so great to see the world again and I can't wait to get back over to catch up on the three trips that my wife and I lost due to the covid shut down.

Europe is so diverse and so enjoyable to visit.  Study up a bit on your history before you to really benefit from the trip.  The Tourism Boards do great video work,

Remember... 'celebrate the difference.'  

Lots of things differ greatly from over here so be prepared and see how the other half lives.  

It can be quite enriching and enjoyable - but yes - it can cause concerns so be prepared. 

I hope you found a few helpful tips here.  

I'm allready planning my next jaunt April river cruise in Portugal.


Sunday, September 4, 2022

The World Opens Up

Well it's time to travel again - for most of us - and after losing three trips that would have taken me to Portugal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Croatia, and Germany (that we lost due to Covid) I've rebooked three Euro hops in the next 18 months.  Thank goodness!

Some logic and thought starters here.    

First off, you can break down your life's travel opportunities in this manner - as it aligns with my pattern.

From age 20 to 35 hit Las Vegas as often as you possibly can, get absolutely stupid, then...get married.

From 36 to 50, raise your kids (start saving for Disneyland...both of them...or more) and enjoy your peak earning years - head to Hawaii, or some other warm spot, during the winter to download some stress and soak up some sun,

From 51 to 65, see the much of it as possible. Learn about the different cultures; experience the glorious history of that country; expand your knowledge on why it's ok to be 'different' from others; and pass that knowledge on to others.

*Leave the kids at home - they'll love the break - and they won't understand the complexity of what they would see on these trips until they are much older.  

From 66 to 'whatever' cram in as much travel as you possibly can because the reality of life is that your body slowly breaks down and makes simple things like waking up in the morning harder as every day goes by.  

There’s no known ‘best before’ date…so…go…

My knees are causing grief; my back surgery 40 years ago isn't getting any better; and my sleep patterns are bizarre.  No need for an alarm clock anymore.  Anybody need a 6:31 am wake up call - consistently?

Plus, in the past few years 'covid' has made travel an absolute pain in the butt (not physically) and it's going to be more and more difficult in simply getting to parts of the world from now on.

As well, sadly, many of us think we will 'travel later' and that reality can often be lost.  

In the past five or so years alone I've lost close to 20 friends...most of them younger than me...many who didn't enjoy a single moment of retirement or enjoying the benefits of very successful careers.

I know this isn't possible for everybody.  I know...I'm fortunate....I live a wonderful lifestyle because of my media career.  I was fortunate enough to visit many places, through business, that gave me a free preview of wonderful places to return to - Miami's South Beach; the beautify of the California and Oregon coasts; and other amazing places.

A five decade career isn't exactly easy so before you think I'm boasting just remember that I ran radio stations in the biggest markets in Canada and they all have one thing in common...they never close.  

A minimum nine to five office day 5 days week; meetings for several community groups you're wise to join; and when you get in the car during the evening and weekends it's not always a good idea to tell your wife to "shushhh I have to listen to this!" 

So, over the next 18 months I'm going to blog and post my trip highlights so I can 'hopefully' help others in understanding the complexities of travel these days and open some doors to some countries you may have not ever thought of visiting.

Am I scared to travel right now?  Absolutely!   It's a wild card.  

Cancelled flights. 

Bumped off somewhere you don't want to spend more than a few hours in.  

Lost luggage - both ways - coming and going.  

Sitting beside people you have no idea of their health situation and hoping that they don't cause you any unnecessary grief.  

Weather issues.  Custom issues. Language differences.  

It's a long list - but - travel is an adventure and if you keep an open mind some of the 'mis'-adventures can end up being the highlight of a trip that you will remember....forever.

I'm travelling with 30 people in a private bus through Italy, Austria, Germany, and Hungary.  I've been to all these places before but usually rushed and didn't have enough time to discover the many amazing things in those cities/countries and without a local guide.

The last 7 trips overseas have been done solely with or with Azorcan Tours hosted by my good friend Paul Almeida.    

They have one thing in common.  Amazing organizational skills and opportunities, a worry free goal for their customers, and neat 'surprises' like meeting people like ex Oiler Jari Kurri in Helsinki, Finland..

Your only obligation, honestly, is to 'be on the bus on time.'   

With both groups you hand your luggage off at the airport, hop on the plane, and get set to enjoy everything the travel brochures highlight because these folks have you covered top to bottom - safety included.

I'm travelling with some incredible friends too,  Bryn Griffiths is the worlds best traveling partner and can get you 'anywhere' you want to go with his forensic planning via all transportation modes with no language issues. .   

In countries where English is as scarce as hens teeth it's a huge comfort.  

As well, Craig Roskin, another media vet, is returning to Italy after over fifty years.  We have known each other since 1955.  My Dad (Jerry) started CHED with his Dad (Lou) at that time. 

Of note...Craig enjoys The Art of Conversation (yeah that means he talks a lot) so I've packed my Bose headphones and added to my 5,000 song Spotify playlist, so I’m prepared. 

Our Italy itinerary includes Rome, the Vatican, Siena, San Gimignano Florence, Pisa, Bologna, Verona and Venice.  (Fortunately Naples isn't included...been there/done that/hated it/don't ever drive there!)

In Germany we head for Munich, and a stop at the legendary Oktoberfest.  I was there once on a motorcycle tour through Europe and I can tell you that it honestly makes the Calgary Stampede look like a shindig.  

Massive tents filled with gigantic jugs of beer, pretzels, Oompa pa music, a complete Fair, and a dozen ambulances lined up at the gates to take out patrons that can't walk.  It's an amazing visual - trust me.

In Austria, one of may all time favourite countries, we will be stopping in Innsbruck (home of the 1964 Winter World Olympics) Salzburg - yup the Sound of Music city; and Vienna - one of my all time favourites with so many things to do in a fairytale setting - including some amazing music centres, Lipizzan Horses; and unique foods.     

We will finish up in Budapest, another city I enjoyed a few years back.  Anybody who has been there can tell you how stunning the harbour is between Buda and Pest - all lit up at night - during a cruise in the Bay.

We have local guides travelling with us and if you've done some of the worlds biggest city bus tours with those awful sound system head sets I can't tell you how rewarding it is to sit with people who LIVE in the countries you are visiting,

Paul can confirm that my seat in the bus is always at the front and often beside these guides where I enjoy some eye opening conversations about their lives.

The most compelling are in the former Communist countries.  

Most of the things they grew up with we never learned in school - just too deep - and when you hear of the restrictions they faced as kids and young folks growing up - well - it just makes me shudder when I see about some of the meaningless things that we complain about over here in North America.

So - I will be posting pictures and short descriptions of our experiences as we roll through each country. 

Hopefully, if you're thinking of getting back on the big silver bird yourself,  these tips and thoughts may be of some assistance to you.

Essentials, by the way before I leave you, check all your documents well ahead of your travel plans.  It's taking forever to get your passport renewed and the NEXUS fighting between Canada and the US is leaving most offices closed thus only 'renewals' are getting done.

My lounge pass benefit was cancelled by the bank without notice to me - so I would have handed out an outdated lounge card in Amsterdam after a 9 hour flight and 7 hour time difference…glad I double checked. 

You'll need the ArriveCan app; Re-open Euro is helpful; Uber, TripCase is excellent; MyHealthRecords, my lounge pass is now Visa Airport Companion; Google Translate (it's gold); and of course your Airline app.  

Make sure you turn your phone on to airplane mode OR purchase a plan that will cover you over in Europe.  A mistake here can be very costly.'

Next, take a picture of your important information and leave it with somebody back home...a relative is best.  I you lose your passport, or other documentation, it can be a real struggle to get it replaced and get back home.  Trust me!

And finally, my last warning, that often gets overlooked.

Don't get hammered on the plane!  

A hangover, 7 or 8 hour time difference, and jet lag can be an absolute killer. 

We warned one gent on the flight over to the World Junior Championships in the Czech Republic a few years back and he missed three days of the fun and games with a massive headache and certainly wasted a good amount of money needlessly.

As well border agents can be a real pain in the ass.  It's their job.  

If you are drunk and obnoxious they can do one of a few things.  First, turn you around, Second arrest you, or third detain you for a very long tine to sober up and scare the hell out of you.

In's sobering. (Pun intended)

Often, when you step out of the airplane in a European country, you are met by guards, both male and female, holding automatic rifles - and they have zero tolerance for anybody misbehaving.  

I have my four AHS covid shots, with both the MyHealth App and auto transfer on the Apple Wallet, my ArriveCan app, TripCase and Apple AirTag ready to go.

So..way we go...let’s roll..


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Euro trips - Euro tips!

Although I haven't reached Rick Steeves status yet I'm proud that I'm on my eighth trip across the pond and have learned a great deal about travelling in foreign countries (now 27 of them) and I'm happy to share some tips here.

First off - 'do your prep.'  If you're going to a brand new company learn a bit about the culture and history of that country.  Europe is draped in history and their customs and various systems are often 100% different from North American norms so it's wise to be prepared.

Wikipedia and YouTube are your best friends and now Podcasting is a huge help.  A simple search of the City or area you're going to will yield a goldmine of information - and video - and help you get to know a few of the landmarks you'll be visiting.

Once you get to your destination you'll be shocked at how much you DON'T know and my common line upon hopping the plane home is "if I'm ever reincarnated and come back to life I'm going to pay attention in History class next time."

Currency is different all over the place....and even though the Euro was supposed to cover most of Europe there are a few countries that don't accept the money OR take it 'hesitatingly' and often you will get short changed in the exchange.

We travel with very little cash as there are bank machines everywhere - but again some do NOT have English on them so it can be a bit challenging getting cash out when needed.

We also carry two different credit cards - American Express and VISA for use - because you can run in to merchants that won't accept one or the other or for that matter credit at all.

A hotel Concierge is your best friend and can be of huge assistance for everything from giving safety tips or calling a cab (or Uber in some cases) as well as helping with any language issues.

Many hotels have airport pickups as well...which can be extremely helpful after a long tiring trip.

There are several apps that do the conversion for currency all over the world and it's wise to have one of those on your smartphone.

Ditto 'language' conversation.  Even knowing a few key terms can be helpful.

Most countries it's very easy to get along with just English - though France has had a few challenges for a waiter picking up the menu and walking away when we asked for an English one. He never returned.

Speaking of smartphones roaming is incredibly expensive.  I put mine on Airplane mode and rely on wifi (which is readily available throughout most of Europe - except in some small towns) and use my SKYPE account to call back home after I've checked messages on my phone.

Electricity is different all over the world too so you'll have to be a plug that adapts to the various countries you are visiting.  Be careful though as you need multiple units.  The UK, for example, has their own unique system and it's different from most of Europe.

Caution at airport arrivals.  Many cities have 'rogue' drivers who look like any other cab driver except they are IN the airport and grab you at the luggage area and aggressively direct you to their cars.  They are not licensed and some drive like madmen.  On a Paris run with my daughter one was going over 200 kph as we screamed at him (in English) to slow down.

Heathrow has a high speed link from the airport/downtown - Paris has their Metro (subway) that can save you money and avoid congestion.

UBER can be gold especially in cities where language problems can occur.  Simply order your ride share in the hotel lobby - take the ride without worrying about any 'lost in conversation' problems.

A few safety tips:

1.  Tell your security system provider you will be away and give them two 'contact' people in case of any needs.

2.  Give a copy of your itinerary to other family members mrs so that they know where you are at all times.  Give them hotel names, your travel agents name, (if applicable) in case anybody back home needs to contact you.

3.  Put a business card in your luggage with all your contact information as well - including phone, email, etc. - so that there are multiple ways of getting hold of you.

4.  Pickpockets are huge in Europe - many travel in teams.  One distracts you or bumps in to you and bingo you're hit.  Watch your purse or bag when you put it on the floor at a restaurant or where you stop.  These are 'pro's' and if you're not careful that bag will be gone in a blink.  On a plane or a train loop your arm through the straps on the bags because they also unzip a bag and quickly grab anything they can while you sleep.  I 'somehow' lost an iPod on a train without a trace.

5.  Group tours are the best so that you can all the local info - try to stay close to them - and especially at night be aware of your environment.

Set up a special Facebook site so you and your travelling companions can upload photo''s free.

REMEMBER to use the 'check in' button feature as it geo tags the photo to the exact spot you were standing when you took it.  After a long tour, believe me, you'll have so many pictures you'll have a hard time remembering the city/town/area you took that picture especially with trying to remember a remote locations name.

6.  Travel light. Leave your expensive jewellery and watches at home.  No need to have them on hand  'just in case.'

7.  Pre book as much as you an ahead of time.  There's nothing worse than getting to a location you wanted to see and there's a long line up to get through.

8.  If you're going to London download the Metro guide - it's the biggest subway system in the world and is several levels deep.  

9.  If you're going to the LOUVRE Google 'secret entrance' - and you'll find a set of stairs across the street from the building(s) that is used by the locals and those smart enough to find it.  No signage - and it leads directly to a tunnel and shopping area inside the Louvre with machines to buy your entrance ticket.

10.  Buy a cell phone package - again - just in case.  There's lots of free wifi available for phone/ipad use but if you get separated from a group - or lost - it can be a life saver.  Plus 'text' where possible and let your friends back home know your location of destination in case they need to reach you.

Take as many tours as possible.  The Red/Blue double decker buses are cheap and circle the city stopping at various tourist attractions.  It's hop on - hop off - and you can make the most of your time using them.  Some have dual routes so check out what the best one is for your desires.