Doctors are worth every penny they're paid while Nurses deserve an immense amount of respect for what they do for a living.
Thanks to everybody who made this easy on us.

Quick story - when you go through stressful times like what we've faced this past month HUMOUR plays a huge role and 'any' time you can laugh (although it hurts your stomach) is highly appreciated. Rayanne took several days to get her vision back; and had double vision for some time. She was 'bored' with sitting in bed with a bag of ice over her eyeballs and wanted to 'help' Mom (that's Rayanne...) so she got up and emptied the dish washer for her.
Only problem was the dishes were NOT washed yet - and her tender eyes couldn't see that - so Kim had to go through the cupboards and find all the offending dishes, utensils, etc.
Thanks for trying though Punk!

When we moved into the Windermere Ambleside area two years ago one of the things that impressed us the most was the 'unique' new Currents Mall 'shopping village' concept that we saw displayed on a great full motion video. It gave us a feeling that we'd be within walking distance of a complex that would give you the same feel as walking down the main street of Banff or Jasper - lots of sitting areas - a stream - and Ma and Pa type shops. Well, to date, we have Staples; Home Depot; WalMart; Cineplex; Liquor Depot; Swiss Chalet; Safeway; Canadian Tire; Tim Hortons; several banks; a few medical centres and a drive through that has stop lights about every fifty feet. Not one Ma and Pa shop; not one unique restaurant; no stream; no seating areas; no bike path; or the same old-same old from virtually every other shopping centre in Edmonton. They're only about half way through the project but here's hoping SOMETHING unique - local - and 'home made' makes it to this mall. We 'do' really like Paul and Christine who own/operate the Second Cup - very nice folks who 'get community.'

I do a ton of work in raising money in the public service areas of Edmonton, for which I'm extremely proud. I was taught very early in life that a) sharing is everything and that b) having a healthy community benefits each and every one of us. It was my Mother and Father that taught me those principals, and it still rings true nearly 30 years 'after' Dad passed away with the honour bestowed on him for his work with Santas Anonymous and the yet to break ground Jerry Forbes Centre.
As such I make contact with many friends and business associates that I have garnered over the past 40 years of my life in and around Edmonton. One of the difficult points that I try to get across is "I'm not just hitting YOU up for money - and I'm just trying to notify you that, somewhere down the road, you may want to know about these projects for you - your company - or your family to possibly
a) particate in or even b) benefit from."
It's amazing how many times while at The Bear that our Bear Children's Fund projects were NEEDED by family and close friends. (We 'donated' over $2 million in cash while I was there!) Heart monitors at the Royal Alexander Hospital - a special "Westin" type suite we built for families at that hospital - parks at schools - funding an entire inner city MUSIC program that still operates almost a decade later that was being cancelled by the school sysstem. Some of those who benefited were either employees - relatives - or close business associates.
So - when I call or email - it's simply to update you on some 'tremendous' projects I'm working on. If you can't donate 'personally' at this time I understand it. If you have a cause that your business likes to support 'please' consider one I tell you about.
Charity money in Edmonton is raised 'a dollar at a time' - we're not Toronto or Calgary - and most of the great projects are built one brick at a time.
All I ask is a response - and "no" is an answer.
Better yet "Let me think about it and maybe down the road we can help" is a better answer.
No response - no returning a call or an email simply is not respectful and 'trust me' I understand but sometimes awareness of a cause can come forefront later in life...especially if the 'need' comes close to where you live.
PS: Since I 'retired' I've been part of raising $22 MILLION for charities across Canada; and currently working on Foundations who need close to $35 million to complete their projects.
The people who DO this kind of work also deserve a HUGE amount of respect ...and...I'm hoping for a decent spot in heaven!

And...that's my soapbox...thanks for understanding!
The other project I'm thrilled to be working on is the Star Wars Identities project coming this fall to the Telus World of Science in Edmonton. This George Lucas project will ONLY be available in TWO North American cities - Montreal and good old Edmonton - thanks to the vision and hard work of people like George Smith and Steve Baker. Following this project BODY WORLDS II will be coming, and this is one of several 'different' shows travelling the world so it will be fresh and new from the one that was here a few years back. Then there are two or three more what I can only describe as 'mega' shows coming to our town. There's a multi million dollar 'expansion' being built at this moment to house these shows as well - with a plan for even further expansion coming down the road. The up side is the more that these shows are successful the more money is available to build the 'educational' side of the building.

With the digital evolution well underway kids today are learning at a rate that, I have heard, is about five times the rate of what we (ok 'my' generation) did in the past and their capacity to learn is immense. The more topical and interesting the Telus World of Science is the more everybody benefits. So - please go see an IMAX presentation (more good news is coming in that digital field shortly too) - take your family BACK to the centre and see what's new (it's always evolving) - and better yet BRING SOMEBODY NEW to the TWoS - visitors from out of town. Follow them on Twitter - @TWoSEdm - join their Fan page on Facebook - and access their tremendous website - and show your support.
Great folks doing great work for our city!
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