I feel this way because most of us discovered social media applications mostly on our own over the past several years- with no rules - little guidance - and no 'content' cop to move us along.
Very simply now We are Out Of Control!
We've stopped watching tv - listening to the radio - reading the actual 'print' copy of a newspaper and magazine and we are addicted to not one - not two - but often SEVERAL social media platforms that are eating up a TON of our time.
As well - we're flying blind - making mistakes - doing dumb stuff - and somebody needs to bring it all back with a little bit of co-ordination and thought!
As such I have a few ideas, and of course ALL IN FUN, because all of us (me included) are guilty of many Social Media sins in one way or the other.

First of all we definately need a Social Media Content Cop - somebody who can control and redirect all that is Social Media so that it goes on the proper platform and so that we have some sort of guidance from above when we make mistakes while on the internet.
Who better than the all and powerful - The Wizard of Oz!
Can't you just see him - in front of his giant MacBook pro - little Toto barking in the background - watching Facebook messages come in - Tweets - pictures on Pinterest - and those wonderful blogs (like this one) that we are now writing on a constant 24/7/365 basis.
Can't you just see him - in front of his giant MacBook pro - little Toto barking in the background - watching Facebook messages come in - Tweets - pictures on Pinterest - and those wonderful blogs (like this one) that we are now writing on a constant 24/7/365 basis.
What would "the Wiz" do if he was the one guy who could watch and monitor each and every one of us while we're in front of our PC, laptop, iPad or Smartphone.?
He likely would take our social media messages and add a few rules to the process.
Like: For Twitter!

You want to see live pictures from the Tsunami - dial in. Todays news highlights from the leading writers around the world - excellent - its amazing how much you can 'learn' if you follow the right people and companies!
But Twitter can also be 'highly addictive' and misused.
I speak of people who spend 18 hours a day tweeting nothing but pictures of their dinners - silly banter back and forth that goes on endlessly - all the while sending notes to celeb's and sports guys/girls that they actually expect will get a response.
You may be a friend. I may like you. I love to follow you and see whats happening in your world BUT if 90% of your tweets are useless or daily affirmations that I know you don't even keep yourself - UNFOLLOW!
There IS a Twitter 'you're over the limit' god too that steps in from time to time to stop some of this - and I'm not exactly when that kicks in to kick you to the Twitter penalty box but I believe the WIZARD would have a better solution - as he intervenes with a DM that states:
"wouldn't you and Little Suzie here be better exchanging EMAILS on your lovely new hair do and those gorgeous new socks and leave Twitter to people who actually enjoy sharing interesting articles, news stories, and interesting opinions?"
Social media does mean 'social' interaction - and I get pulled into the odd thread myself responding to my idiot brother and his love of Calgary sports teams from time to time - but my buffering comes from friends who remind me if and when I go 'over my daily limit' on acceptable and interesting Tweets - and I can assure you it is nowhere near the FIFTY IN 18 hours level.
The Wizard should also be the one and final judge for when you go 'over the line' with OFFENSIVE CONTENT on Twitter to remind you that the tweet you fired out with great emotion after a few too many Jaggers' in the middle of the night might just may come back and haunt you later in life when you least expect it....like when you're looking for a job.
Yup - censorship - but for your own good - because that little shot you took at somebody, with your fractured "Effin" or "Fricken," may as well be the full F Bomb when you're standing in front of the HR interviewer who is asking you what type of person you really are....but allready knows cuz he/she monitors your SM prescence....so fair warning.
Plus - does everybody LOL on everything? LMFAO when I see that all the time! :)
And: Facebook!

But Twitter can also be 'highly addictive' and misused.
I speak of people who spend 18 hours a day tweeting nothing but pictures of their dinners - silly banter back and forth that goes on endlessly - all the while sending notes to celeb's and sports guys/girls that they actually expect will get a response.
You may be a friend. I may like you. I love to follow you and see whats happening in your world BUT if 90% of your tweets are useless or daily affirmations that I know you don't even keep yourself - UNFOLLOW!
There IS a Twitter 'you're over the limit' god too that steps in from time to time to stop some of this - and I'm not exactly when that kicks in to kick you to the Twitter penalty box but I believe the WIZARD would have a better solution - as he intervenes with a DM that states:
"wouldn't you and Little Suzie here be better exchanging EMAILS on your lovely new hair do and those gorgeous new socks and leave Twitter to people who actually enjoy sharing interesting articles, news stories, and interesting opinions?"
Social media does mean 'social' interaction - and I get pulled into the odd thread myself responding to my idiot brother and his love of Calgary sports teams from time to time - but my buffering comes from friends who remind me if and when I go 'over my daily limit' on acceptable and interesting Tweets - and I can assure you it is nowhere near the FIFTY IN 18 hours level.
The Wizard should also be the one and final judge for when you go 'over the line' with OFFENSIVE CONTENT on Twitter to remind you that the tweet you fired out with great emotion after a few too many Jaggers' in the middle of the night might just may come back and haunt you later in life when you least expect it....like when you're looking for a job.
Yup - censorship - but for your own good - because that little shot you took at somebody, with your fractured "Effin" or "Fricken," may as well be the full F Bomb when you're standing in front of the HR interviewer who is asking you what type of person you really are....but allready knows cuz he/she monitors your SM prescence....so fair warning.
Plus - does everybody LOL on everything? LMFAO when I see that all the time! :)
And: Facebook!

A few rules:
All old girlfriends have to post with their Maiden names. Not fair for you to track ME down on the web without me taking a gander back at how you've held up since we dated in high school.
And please don't include me in YOUR club. I could care less and an 'ask' should at least be made before you jam up my Facebook feed with the Yo Yo Club of the Month offerings. If you've got a good thing going send me an EMAIL (right Wiz?) and give me the option to jump in or not before you arbitrarily add me to your event.
I think the WIZARD should also add an "ASSHOLE" button to all SM accounts.
If and When somebody says something really stupid - over the line - racist - or bullying - that you have the divine right to hit the ASSHOLE button and get the persons real name, address, email and maybe even their phone numbers.
Nothing worse than idiots playing behind a fake name!
Use your REAL name - and especially if you are getting into a debate with somebody in public.
On my blogs and any public articles I'm fortunate enough to be in I have a policy of "NO response to anybody who doesn't use their real name."
I love a good debate. I'm often wrong and need correcting. I'm open to new ideas and alternate views HOWEVER if you aren't man/woman enough to look me in the eyes and say the same thing you get no response at all.
Next - if you post nothing but recipes - the Wizard should send you over to Pinterest.
Ya I mean you Tom Luzzi!
I love ya like a brother - but your nightly gourmet meals and/or restaurant pics make me EXTREMELY hungry (and envious) and you should be Auto Pinned
over to that graphically beautiful Pinterest so I can dial in when I'm not so damned hungry!
And...most importantly...C'mon Ladies LET US BOYS on Pinterest!
We need a place for our cars - our sports heroes - our toys and prized possessions but you simply are drowning us out with wedding pictures; dresses and fashion; dream vacations that we'll probably never get to go
with you; and other female only type delights.
Pinterest is your revenge - right ladies?
I think the actual ratio is now about 85% female - 15% male - so please - let us play too!
Finally - BLOGS!
Some are so good. Some are so bad!
Judge me as you may but if you have a boring life; not really engaged in a bunch of interesting things; accomplished little; have no real dynamic opinions or views (other than tainted ones); then maybe a blog really isn't for you.
Love your kids. Love your dogs. Nice outfit you just bought. You drove to the store today but forgot your wallet; Muffy got her Grade Nine diploma - please tell your Mom, Dad, Grandpa and Granny if they have 'email' - or put it in your diary - but don't bother the rest of the world who are looking to grow - share - and enjoy the real benefit of SM by reading a highly thought out and well written blog!
Travel the world - take pics - tell us about the good the bad and ugly of your trip.
Volunteer for a public service group and show your readers who have taken the time to check out your blog what a great bunch of people you know who are helping make a difference in the world.
Find a topic - explore it further - dive into it...then teach all of us.
My crazy Martys Musings blog site has been read more than 32,000 times - and my daughter Rayannes blog (rayannesthoughts.blogspot.ca) more than 10,500 times in the past year - evoking response from people literally around the world who have had a great deal of trouble trying to find the exact information that Rayanne has been writing about for the past year.
It's opened up doors; provided comfort to both Rayanne and the reader; and really has made a tangible difference in peoples lives for which I commend her!
Blogs can be very powerful and informative - or not!
So over to you Mr. Wizard of Oz.
Pull it back into shape and some order or semblance - I think it's time.
This week we lost a great soul - our dog DUKE - who at age 12 left us Nov 12/2012. He truly was "This Mans Best Friend" - and the Forbes Family have so many fond moments from this most amazing dog.
Thanks Duke!
As Rayanne says "all dogs go to heaven" - so go steal Gods bread off the counter like you did ours over those magnificent years together Duke - Love ya Much! ***