His 'it's my two cents' piece ran in USA TODAY for several years and now his Twitter account is where he distributes those 'random thoughts' that often are simply just great head scratching deep reaching comments.
I don't pretend to be in his league but happy to 'borrow' his style.
Here we go.
Surely Donald Trump is a Democratic 'plant' - and the longer he continues his insane rants the better chance he will offend every single person who casts a vote.
Result may be Hillary becomes the first US 'female' President.
I absolutely love the new 100MENYEG and 100WOMENYEG concept. Corporations support the big causes well in Edmonton - but 'people' are helping smaller groups with $10,000 (plus) donations make a huge difference to these groups.
Thank you to the 100 Women who care who 'gifted' The Graves Disease Foundation of Edmonton a cool $14k recently.
Thank you to LIGHT THE BRIDGE who will also be highlighting GDF on July 28th by lighting up the High Level Bridge in pink and purple in honour of GDF.

Tailgating with four car accidents is the norm.
Nobody does the speed limit anymore. Police don't pull anybody over anymore either. Nobody does 'stagger' entrances anymore and pretend they don't see you when you try to move into a line.
Cell phone/texting/distracted driving laws are obviously for 'somebody else.'
A real true friend whom I've known for over 35 years sent an absolutely wonderful email note to my daughter praising her 'courage' through Graves Disease the other day. We seldom speak - we don't need to because actions are stronger than words - but that simple action made my day - week - and month. That's why we're friends, forever.
Addiction is a terrible thing - especially for those who don't deal with it. Many friends are 'struggling' with it - often losing their families, jobs and/or careers.
Get help! You're only fooling one person!
The downtown Edmonton rebuild is grand on so many fronts.
World - Class!
BTW compliments to both the Edmonton Esks and Edmonton Oilers for their own particular 'rebuilds' too - it hasn't been this exciting in years. #97.
What song 'instantly' stops you in your tracks the moment you hear it? Regardless of era - Brook Benton's "Rainy Night in Georgia' is one of mine.
OK Andrea Bocelli's "Time to Say Goodbye" too.
Is there a sadder story than the Kristina Houston situation?
I was so fortunate to have met her mother in the mid 80's in Vancouver and this story touches deep with that simple introduction.
Thank you Ray Ramsey for finding this great picture. |
F__K Cancer my friends - and thank goodness for all the support that social media provides to these strong people. It's nice knowing you don't fight this alone!
I 'heart' Europe. Seeing how others live half way around the world is so eye opening. I wish the 'complainers' over here got to see how truly lucky we are to live in our corner of the world.
Often what you complain about is simply 'meaningless' to what others have had to endure.
Travel is the best knowledge barometer possible.
Mixed feelings on the Canadian dollar. Happy for our manufacturing sector. Unhappy for my Snowbird friends.
If you don't have a retirement 'plan' you may be surprised when you get there. And I don't mean financially.
I'm not getting OLDER - I'm 'maturing.'
Mentoring is everything - both ways. Happy to teach. Happy to learn.

Best book I read this year?
This one.
The superstar is sitting.
Speaking of joy. Lauren Forbes. Rayanne Forbes.
I am so extremely proud of what my daughters have become in life.
Kind. Thoughtful. Considerate. Fun. Loving. Smart. Both are so different - but both are so much the same. I only wish Grandpa Forbes was around to spend time with my fabulous family.
PS: My wife is pretty cool too. We're heading for our 30th Anniversary next February and I would not have enjoyed 'any' of my success as a Father or a Media guy without Kim.
That's the stuff that rambles around in my skull these days.
With apologies to Larry King once more - "it's my two cents!"
Love to hear yours.
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